Do I need to pay money or register in order to leverage your site services?
No. At, we provide all of our services free to business buyers. We are dedicated to helping you find the perfect business to purchase without charging you anything. You can browse through our comprehensive listings of sellers in order to buy the perfect business of your choice.
I am unable to find the business of my choice. Is it possible for me to post an advert to tell others the kind of business I am searching?
Yes. Just drop us a line about what you are looking for and describe the kind of business you are interested in and you can be sure that sellers will contact you.
How can I find an appropriate business broker to assist me?
You can browse through the exhaustive listings posted by business brokers on our site Check out the listings posted by these brokers to arrive at the broker most suited to helping you.
Do I require services of an accountant or lawyer?
We advise that prospective business buyers leverage services of qualified accountants and lawyers when they embark on purchasing a new business.
How can I procure financing?
You can browse through our Lenders Force section on This section has comprehensive listings of all lenders who are willing to provide financial aid for new businesses.
How do I start the process of buying?
First, you need to browse through our listings on Check out the comprehensive listings posted by sellers on our site. Depending on the kind of business you want, you can make your choice accordingly. If you cannot find the business you want you can browse the listings posted by business brokers for this purpose. These business brokers can assist you with purchasing the right kind of business. If you want to start a franchising business, you can do so on our franchising section of Here, we provide you with listings from all franchisors who are interested in hiring franchisees for their business operations. If you should require financial aid, you can check listings on our Lenders Force section to find the lender of choice.